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30362 Take Down Mohawk Recurve Bubinga 62 Inch

30362 Take Down Mohawk Recurve Bubinga 62 Inch


Regular price $586.24
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Product description

Our Mohawk is manufactured in our Bodnik Bows bow manufactory. Our bowyer Chris Unger has designed a handle which has a perfect grip. The pleasant combination of Bubinga and Maple brings the looks of this powerful recurve bow to perfection. The limbs made of bamboo guarantee its exceptional performance while making it soft to draw. The bow was pre-tested by professionals from the traditional bow scene worldwide and received with enthusiasm.


When selecting the short limbs Mohawk Recurve you will get a bow of 60 inches length.

When selecting the long limbs Mohawk Recurve you will get a bow of 62 inches length.

  • Bow Length: 62 inches
  • Draw Weight: 20 - 55 lbs in 5 lbs increments
  • Riser Materials: Bubinga with hard maple and mycarta accent stripes
  • Limb Materials: bamboo, stabil core with olive veneer or black glass and BEARPAW Powerglass
  • Limbs edition: layer stabil core
  • Tips: Multi-Layered Mycarta
  • Grip: Pistolgrip
  • Bowstring: Whisper String (or any other high-performance string)
  • Brace Height: 8 inches
  • Quality: German Quality
  • Guarantee: 30 Years Bodnik Bows Guarantee*
  • Storage: The bow may be stored in the strung position


Every single Bodnik Bow is crafted by skilled bowyers in our own Bearpaw Products manufacturing facilities.
*Warranty conditions: For all BODNIK BOWS, BEARPAW grants a 30-year warranty on fractures, cracks, and delaminations. Excluded from the warranty are signs of wear, damage due to gross negligence or intentional behavior or twisted limbs after a period of use of 6 months. The guarantee is provided by replacement or repair of the bow. The statutory warranty rights remain unaffected by this guarantee and apply independently of it.

Picture may differ from original product.

Versand & Rücksendungen


Mindestbestellwert kostenloser Standardversand: Deutschland ab 50,00€, Österreich ab 120,00€, Schweiz ab 150,00€. Weitere Infos: Alle Versandregeln und Länder.


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